DIMVA’24 took place this weekend, where I had the pleasure of presenting my poster showcasing the progress we have made in the development of the RAMPAGE framework. With this work, we aim to address one of the most significant shortcomings we have found in the literature on DGA detection: the reproducibility of experiments and models.

The conference was held at EPFL in Lausanne, on the shores of Lake Geneva. In addition to enjoying indescribable views, on the last day, we shared a barbecue dinner by the lake, enjoying the beach and a very summery atmosphere (despite being many kilometers from the sea). It was undoubtedly something unforgettable.

It is always a pleasure to participate in academic events of this kind, as they are perfect opportunities to meet other researchers from different countries around the world, with interesting stories and life experiences. There was not a single talk that didn’t make the trip to Lausanne worthwhile.

I look forward to seeing both new and familiar faces at DIMVA’25!

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